DI Application Checklists
Health Professions Advising has excellent tips on requesting letters of recommendation
AAMC Guidelines for Writing a Letter of Recommendation
Even though this is for medical schools, it's excellent information for letter writers!​
Letters of Recommendation
Most programs require 3 letters of recommendation to be completed on DICAS or the program's application portal. An example is included below (this is NOT uploaded, but a similar form is completed online).
Spring Match February 15 2024 deadline:
Letters of recommendation should be requested by the end of finals week of Fall Quarter.
Form A (DI or MS/DI, and grad schools) is due the first day of Winter Quarter.
Form A is due for letter writers, along with unofficial transcripts, resume, and one personal statement. Submit via email to the Advising Dept. per Form A instructions; they will be forwarded to your letter writers.
Please follow instructions or the form will be returned to you.
Common errors: neglecting to provide DPD GPAs (can calculate on OASIS)
NOTE: be aware that some programs have early deadlines so plan accordingly.
Fall Application Deadline:s
Letters of recommendation should be requested at least one month prior to due dates. See requirements above for Form A.
Graduate School and other requests (not related to Supervised Practice/Dietetic Internships):
Letters of recommendation should be requested at least one month prior to the due date using Form A. Submit via email to the Advising Dept. per Form A instructions; they will be forwarded to your letter writers.
1. When & How to Ask:
Attend office hours to get to know your professors.
Get to know your supervisors at work, internships, and volunteer sites.
Explain what you are applying for and then simply ask if they can provide a "strong recommendation."
If you haven't seen someone in awhile, send an email with a bit of background info reminding them as to who you are, attach a resume, and a sample of your work.
2. Who to Ask:
Typically 2 academic and one supervisor recommendation; see individual program websites for more information.
At least one recommender should be a dietitian if applying to Supervised Practice/DIs.
Think of who knows you best, can attest to your capabilities, and will write a strong letter.
3. If the recommender is new to the process, what should they write?
Provide the letter writer with the DICAS Letter of Recommendation sample form (see below). This is NOT uploaded but is a sample of what is completed within the DICAS website.
Any of the areas on the form's check box (see below) could be expanded upon. For example, if they rank you high for leadership, they could provide examples of your leadership experience and skills on-the-job, internship, or volunteer position.